Scan matching algorithms are ubiquitous in the field of mobile robotics. Although there are many variations of the algorithm with each one having its benefits and drawbacks, the overarching goal of the algorithms is the same.
Figure 1: Aligning two set of points on top of each other. This is called matching.
Given two sets of points, the algorithm finds the optimal rigid body transformation (rotation and translation) that aligns one set of points onto the other.
They are specifically useful in localization (estimating the robot's pose) algorithms as finding the rigid transformation between two consecutive laser scans from the same robot means finding the accurate change in position and orientation of the robot.
Figure 2: Using scan matching on LiDAR sensor readings to find change in robot pose.
One of the most commonly used variation of the scan matching algorithm is the iterative closest point (ICP) algorithm.
ICP takes a 2-step approach to scan matching
Finding the corresponding pairs of points in the two point sets
Finding the rigid body transformation
Finding corresponding pairs means finding two points (one in each point set) that correspond to the same point in space.
Figure 3: Correspondence between two point clouds (corresponding point pairs are connected with lines).
It turns out that if the optimal correspondence is known, that is if all points in one set is matched to their correct pair in the other set, finding the optimal rigid body transformation is closed form. However, this is extremely unlikely to occur in real life scenarios as we are trying to match two laser scans taken from two different points of views.
Figure 4: Finding perfect correspondence is impossible with real sensor measurements.
In most cases, the number of points in the two point sets will not be equal in the first place, making it impossible to find the optimal correspondence. To overcome this limitation, the ICP algorithm estimates the correspondence by choosing the closest point pairs to be the corresponding pairs (a point in set A is matched to the closest point in set B). This method will obviously fail to return the optimal rigid body transformation in one try as the correspondence is not correct. Thus, the algorithm iterates until the error is under a predefined threshold, hence the name Iterative Closest Point. Essentially, the problem is turned into a least squares optimization problem.
The summary of the entire algorithm is:
Given two point sets X and P and the goal is to find the transformation that will align point set P to point set X
For each point in set P, find the closest point in set X and declare them as a corresponding pair
Find the optimal transformation for the given correspondence using singular value decomposition
Apply the transformation to point set P
Calculate the error
Iterate steps 1 to 4 until the error is under a predefined threshold
This algorithm has been implemented many times with slight variations and the biggest performance bottleneck proved to the be finding the closest points in the two point sets. The brute-force way to obtain the following information is to calculate the distance to every point in set X for each point in set P and selecting the point pair with the smallest distance.
Figure 5: Brute force algorithm to find closest point of every point. The time complexity is O(NM) where N=number of points in set X and M=number of points in set P.
The approach has a complexity of O(NM), where N is the number of points in set X and M in the number of points in set P, and it is not feasible for application in robotics because the number of points in each laser scan can be extremely large and the algorithm must complete in orders of milliseconds to be used in practical localization algorithms. In short, optimizations must be made.
To optimize finding the closest point pairs, I employed two methods of optimization: Octree and Parallel Programming.
Octree is a tree data structure for recursively partitioning a space into 8 smaller regions. It is essentially a multi-dimensional binary search tree. Each point in set X is stored in the leaf nodes of the tree and searching for the closest point in set X for a point in set P means traversing down the octree until a leaf node then performing the brute-force distance comparison.
Figure 6: Using quadtree to optimize nearest neighbor search. The optimization scheme nearly identical to octree (octree is just a 3D version of quadtree).
Although you are doing the brute-force distance comparison at the leaf node, the number of points to compare is much smaller because you are only comparing between the points inside the region that the leaf node represents.
The other optimization technique I used was parallel programming. The essence of parallel programming is to perform computations on multiple threads at once, thus decreasing the total completion time of the algorithm compared to the sequential computation method where a single computation is done one after the other. The GPU is the preferred hardware to perform parallel programming as it is comprised of much more processing units, though less powerful, compared to the CPU. For this project, I used Nvidia's CUDA toolkit to make my code parallel.
However, parallelization comes with the heavy cost of making the code much more complicated to write and debug. Part of the reason is due to the need for synchronization. Take for example, summing an array of integers. Coding this sequentially is extremely easy: iterate through the elements one by one and add its value to the total. The parallel version on the other hand, is much more complicated.
Figure 7: Using parallel reduction to sum an array of integers.
A method called parallel reduction must be used where the array is divided in half and added to the other half where each addition operation is done on a individual thread to speed up the process. Between each step labeled in the diagram, all threads must be synchronized, meaning if a thread finishes its addition operation faster than the other threads, it must wait until all threads have completed their addition task before moving onto the next step. Omitting the synchronization step can lead to all kinds of issues common to multi threading, such as a race condition.
However, summing up an array of integers is an inherently sequential, which is why it is much more difficult to make it parallel. The reason I showed this example is to prove the point that even the simplest algorithms can be difficult to make parallel if it is not meant for it. Thus, when optimizing an algorithm through parallel programming, it is important to first consider the inherent nature of the algorithm.
Naturally, the algorithms that benefit the most from parallelization are ones that do not need to be synchronized, which is the case for searching through an octree. The process of searching the closest point in set X for each point in set P from an octree is an entirely independent process and do not need to be synchronized. Exploiting this parallel-friendly nature of the algorithm, the nearest neighbor search can be greatly optimized, which brings a massive performance boost for the entire ICP algorithm as it is the performance bottleneck.
This is the nearest neighbor search function.
It is a cuda function that can be called in a batch using the <<<num_blocks, threads_per_block>>> operator. The total number of threads spun from this call is num_blocks * threads_per_block.
Videos showing the algorithm in action:
Red points = target point cloud
Green points = source point cloud (the transformation is applied to this point cloud)
Blue lines = nearest neighbor correspondence
Showing the algorithm in slowed down and showing the correspondence lines: